Classic example of piss poor american "music". Whiney and lamegasmic to the most extreme definition of those words. Only listened to by whiney losers and posers. Not anything a person with taste would listen to or reccomend under any circumstance.

Trust me, this song was not "ruined by the radio" its a tacky and worthless piece of imposter "music" written by talentless whiney losers.
Loser: i love boulevard of broken dreams!

Intelligant person with taste: GO LISTEN TO REAL MUSIC!!!!
by the wise among us October 28, 2006
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Stupid Canadians can't even fucking pronounce long O's. Boulevard of Broken dreams. BrOOOOOOOOOken.
by Stand Ablaze November 30, 2005
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If you are white, your are on the wrong road.
The comedian Chris Rock famously advised, 'If a friend calls you on the telephone and says they're lost on Martin Luther King Boulevard and they want to know what they should do, the best response is ‘Run!’
by Woogy March 30, 2008
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A great song and the only good song on GD's new album. Needless to say, I downloaded this song. The album sucked.

This tied with, Good Riddance, Scattered, Pulling Teeth, Redundent, The Grouch, Hitchin' A Rid, Nice Guys Finish Last, Basket Case, Welcome To Paradise, and All The Time is Green Day's best songs.
Boulevard is the only song on American Idiot that measures up to GD's classic songs.
by Okita-Kun June 27, 2005
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When you have not shaved in a long time and then you fuck a bitch
Shit Girl! What I have a Boulevard Mall! What?
by Mike , Rich February 2, 2009
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Associated with a Roleplay game...
The effect is when a he/she has a gun and gets a strong urge to kill/slay everyone without a reason!
This game has a lot of boulevard effect bro.
by CatFrog July 4, 2019
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