half pooch, half bitch usually refering to guys. its really good at yelling it to people on the street
i hate that kid, he's such a booch
by braden July 10, 2003
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used in place of "that sucks" or "that sucked"
by mongo April 7, 2003
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1) A directioner's worst enemy.

2) another word for directionator.
directionator: "omg i love harry and liam, but i hate niall!"
person 1: "you're a booch."
person 2: "lets throw carrots and spoons at her."
by abcdefghijkelemenop May 18, 2012
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boy bitch. a boy who is completely and utterly stupid. a boy with no common sense.
girl: hay boo what up
boy: i dont wanna talk to you
girl: your such a booch!
by katy clements January 21, 2008
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Means no lie, or deadass. It can also be used as a verb when you "booch" someone, which means you're just messing with them. It originated in Yorktown Heights, "booch block."
I benched 300 pounds yesterday without a spotter, booch block.

You're too easy to booch, take sarcasm better.
by Mista Mase December 4, 2017
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Adding cream soda to any bourban/whiskey as a mixer

Booch made some of his booch juice again today.... when doesnt booch drink? Idk
by Dankbank21 February 1, 2018
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A new system design method is proven by successful creating a system from it.
According to Booch's Law, Qualculus is a legitmate approach to designing a computer system.
by Robert A. August 12, 2004
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