one who seems to possess the x-men like ability to find a free taxi from many blocks away.
damn does she have great taxi radar; she spotted that cab down on 42nd and here we are on 59th!
by kds818 October 8, 2009
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A saying to be used in a southern voice, meaning im having a great time, pass me another beer.
hey jesse, Taxi boy! i love this bar!
by Kevin Tyrrell December 24, 2007
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Fucking masterpiece of a film.
Stars Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle, an unstable vietname veteran who hates the scum of the society he is surrounded by.
You talkin' ta me?
Well, I don't see anyone else here...
by SuperSonicX August 22, 2004
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When a female cannot afford to pay the fee of the taxi, she is eligible to fuck the driver untill the fee is payed off, instead of paying or getting arrested
Driver: that will be 70.65$

Woman: oh man. I don't have that much. Is there any way I can pay you?

Driver: some taxi Pussy will be acceptable
by zxkillaxxx November 25, 2013
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A Prostitute. In use in Cambodia from the 1950’s or earlier to today (2008) to describe the locally abundant freelance working girls found in parks, bars, clubs, and public places. As opposed to bar-girls, karaoke girls, massage girls, brothel girls, barbershop girls, coffee-shop girls, hostesses, and the like which are employed by the establishment.
There are several late night dinner and dance clubs located on . . . be aware the late night crowd includes and abundance of taxi girls. (1950’s Publication)

With all the new hostess bars requiring bar-fines it is nice to know that there are still free lance taxi girls available at many dance clubs and a few bars. (2008 Publication)
by Mike the Monger October 11, 2009
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When more than 1 1/2 times as many people as intended (rounded down) try to fit into a car. example: 5 people in a 3 seat car, 8 people in a 5 seat car, etc.
1: Dude, we crammed 9 people in my Jeep. We did a total Mexican Taxi.

2: Hey, get the fuck outta my car. This aint no mexican taxi.
by Anti January 1, 2005
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