the act in a first person shooter were the enemy team camps at your team's spawn point, however this only happens in games were the objective is at your spawning point like demolition.
The hell with those Spawn-Trapping hackers, i'm backing out!
by xXFTWXx June 22, 2011
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Someone who is pure evil; does evil things without reason. Ex:Bob Greenblatt, new programming head of Showtime.
DLM Fan 1:Why did Greenblatt cancel Dead Like Me?
DLM Fan 2:Because he's the Devil's spawn, that's why...
by ReaperAyane December 30, 2005
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Have you seen "Almost Famous"? I'ts a Cameron Crowe movie with Goldie Spawn.
by Buttwheat August 19, 2009
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1. One who cannot become strong without the use of Spawn (a testosterone producing drug)

2. A choir boy who wishes to become strong in attempt to intimidate but cannot accomplish this without the use of the drug Spawn and without the proper technique just becomes fat

3. An ass-fag
"Chris thinks he is scary now that he takes Spawn but instead of becoming big he is just transformed into a spawn monster and ass-fag and has uncontrollable spawn rages and weighs over 250 pounds with man tits!"
by SBDYBM July 23, 2009
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The most toxic way to play Rainbow Six Siege. This is when you break open a window or door on the map and spawn kill the enemy team before they have a chance to shoot back. This is most commonly seen done by Jäger mains, until the most recent patch where Jäger lost his ACOG scope. Even without the ACOG, many players still spawnpeek and infuriate the enemy team
Attacker #1: What the hell I just died! I didn't even get a chance to run!
Attacker #2: Fuck! Me too! I'm not gonna sit around and play this game if I'm gonna keep getting spawn peeked by Jäger every round!
Jäger main: gg ez get rekt skrubs
by Captain_Cancer September 26, 2017
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When you spawn in a video game, a 'Spawn Molester' is someone who will stand in a advantageous location and kill the respawning opposition players repeatedly until they 'Rage Quit'.
Oh my god, that guy is a fucking spawn molester! He's completely spawn raping those noobs.

That gamer Chriss_Casse must be a Spawn Molester, he's raped so many noobs on Nuketown in Call of Duty: Black Ops he must be on the sex offenders register

Fuck you, you fucking Spawn Molester. He's a glitching noob like Carmoo
by TheRealGamer777 January 15, 2011
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A once in-a-year spawn that occurs in competitive first-person shooters when you die during a gunfight, then revive in the enemy's base or close to the game's objective while teammates are nowhere nearby. A nonsense spawn that can turn the tide of battle and win your team the game.
"Can Curse Orange finish Game #1? Down to the last 60 seconds, a five-point advantage... - Look at that spawn from Envy! What is this? Merk with the god spawn!"
by SJCrew December 8, 2014
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