An expression of dismay similar in meaning to the word FAIL!! but denoting a personal failure, rather than that of somebody else..
Shit i forgot to buy cigarettes, SNAIL!!...

I can't believe i had sexual intercourse with that fat bitch last night, SNAIL!!....
by babooncunt July 22, 2010
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To "snail it" is to drive your car really slowly, like a snail, through the stop sign intersection, without ever actually stopping the car. It can also just be called "snailing".
"That stop sign on 25th comes up so fast off of Western, I can never *actually* stop at that thing! So I just usually snail it, and I'm fine."

"Yeah man, I snail it way too much. Finally got pulled over for it the other day."
by baerro March 22, 2010
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Snailing is the act of Jizzing/Cumming on a girls face, Then afterwards turning your balls over your penis to give the impression of a snail, Then proceed to plant it on her face and rub the jizz around in a snail fashion.
Guy 1: Bro i totally snailed your mom last night.

Guy 2: Fuck you she's not the Snailing type
by AnAngryGerbal May 3, 2011
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v. (used for women) to be so sexually stimulated by the thought/sight/scent of a potential sexual partner that the loins become moist enough to leave a trail similar to that of a snail on the chair
She was snailing for the hockey player in her class; she damn near slipped off her seat.
by SinoDave May 14, 2007
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(1) to lick or suck a person's ear as a means of oral intercourse. A fetish.

Similar to shrimping, this word is derived from the snail-shape of the cochlea, found in the inner aural canal.
Offeror: "Hey babe, mind if i go snailing?"

Offeree: "Gross, i'm totally not into french food."

Offeror: "Nah nah; there's no need to buy you dinner first. Just let me tell you a secret."

Offeree: "ooohhhhh."
by jonnysan July 11, 2008
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Directed towards males: when a male's penis comes out of the designated hole made in the boxers.
Ever had a pair of boxers that feels like the hole in it is a cave? Happened to me this summer and decided there has to be a name for it. Figured out there was not so I came up with "Snailin' or Snailing." You are running around and your penis just keeps coming out of that hole.
by DJ-Conley November 18, 2010
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An act in which a male or female licks their partner from the bottom of the snail trail area on the stomach all the way up to the lips as a sexual act.

guy 1: what were you doing last night dude?
guy 2: i was totally snailing this girl
guy 1: omg no way you snailed her!
by ollieisamong September 11, 2013
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