a woman who thinks with her vagina instead of her head.
girl 1: i broke up with my boyfriend, i told him about the other guys and all that. i dont know why hes mad at me though.
girl 2: you're a slut
by green jezzz April 3, 2008
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Someone who sleeps with many men/objects/animals regardless of any morals because she can simpley not control herself.
Irene has been a slut for far too long, she probably has an std.
by John Smithons September 12, 2007
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somebody who cannot keep their legs closed.
Krystal: so, did you hear what happened to that slut, emily uher?
Random Person: Probably fucked another guy, that slut has such a loose vagina!
by k dubz. April 22, 2011
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a girl who has been around with many guys
a girl who is known to be sexually promiscuous and is used by guys but no one wants to date her because she's dirty in many ways
Person #1 "Would you fuck Jen?"
Person #2 "Probably not, she's a slut"
by RRL1 January 29, 2008
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A female who cheats on her boyfriend and sleeps with a lot of people.
by Joe Ragman January 27, 2015
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