to inflict shame or grief upon one's self by accident.
Bambi tried to dis' Amit, but he slipped himself.
by Ted March 13, 2003
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1. A universal word, with multiple meanings; something that is the shit.
2. Any kind of drug or alcohol; weed.
3. A pottery adhesive, used to attach two or more items together. Made of dried clay and water.
-Man that is the slip.
-You got that slip?
-Cross hatch (slicing diagonal lines on the areas that you are connecting together) and slip to attach that together.
by Chet Mufflebush October 20, 2004
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Slip(noun) a slutty girl
To Slip (verb) to have sex to sleep with someone of the other sex
She is such a slip, everyone knows she slips with everyone she knows.
by slipper03 April 14, 2009
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=Moving you know?

(Eg) yo ... is (slipping) tonight

This word comes from Worthing
Yo aj is (slipping )tonight
by 👁👁 April 11, 2017
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Straight, cool, sick, class, nasty, fly.
You see that dolphins' comeback, that shit was slip.

Jordan has that new slip Charger.

Damn, your tape's slip, you went to uptowns?
by Christian W April 13, 2009
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