Something that has gone pear-shaped has gone wrong: this is based on the visualisation of a plan being like a perfect circle. When something goes wrong, the plan is distorted and becomes pear-shaped.
It was all going well, then Jonno dropped the ball and it all went pear-shaped.
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I saw a dog get hit by a car and it was U-shaped.
by Stacy Jo March 23, 2008
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To get extremely drunk or high, the result being utterly random and stupid (yet highly enjoyable) behaviour.

Chris: What you get up to at the weekend?

The Other Chris: Oh man we got totally dog-shaped. I still can't find my left shoe and I don't know where that hat-stand came from.
by The Meme February 7, 2009
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Someone who morphs their life to match the person they happen to be dating, i.e. adopt the same taste in music, movies, fashions, foods, mannerisms, etc.
My ex was a shape shifter. After two months, it was like I was having sex with myself.
by Dr. Kenneth Noisewater February 17, 2005
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Irish slang: acting aggressively (especially men) or someone who struts/walks in an aggressive manner
Acting aggressive - "your man was throwing shapes in the pub last night so I had to give him a few digs"
Mocking someone's walk - "state of your man - throwing shapes all over the place!" - is usually followed by an imitation of the way they walk
by Hawtry July 28, 2020
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Used when someone isn't doing the things he was supposed to do to achieve certain goals.
1_ - You'd better shape up if don't wanna fail that Math exam!!

2_ - Your pad is disgusting.... Shape up!!
by Douglas B March 20, 2007
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An extreme state of muscular relaxation, spontanious body movement, self-awareness, acception, freedom, and euphoria.

In essentials, a wild orgy without sex.

Often performed in large groups with no shoes on.

Refered to by many as the greatest thing before and after sliced bread... and sex.
"Man, shape flow is kind of like a wild orgy without sex."

"Lets shapeflow until we die"

"I haven't felt this free since the last time I went streaking in the deserted prarie at midnight!"
by sharonrenee February 20, 2008
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