When you realize your straight but you want to be LGBTQ for whatever reason.
John: What is your sexuality again?

Harry: Semibisexual

John: ... Get a father figure fat ass.
by hahahahahahregsrvwrtvhw64rt November 5, 2022
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A heterosexual individual attracted to the binary gender of the opposite sex but the sexual role of their own sex. In other words, a male that is attracted to females that prefer to assume a conventionally male, dominant sexual role, or a female who is attracted to males that prefer to assume a conventionally female, submissive sexual role.

Often jokingly dismissed due to its contradictory literal translation as half, doubly sexual, semibisexual describes those with heterosexual binary gender preferences and conventionally opposite binary sexual preferences. While the gender preference is heterosexual, the opposing sexual preference merits additional terminology to differentiate heterosexual individuals with conventional sexual preferences from heterosexual individuals with conventionally opposite sexual preferences. Like bisexualism, someone semibisexual is attracted to an aspect from both binary genders. However, semibisexualism also incorporates heterosexual gender preference. Thus, someone describing themselves in this way can be thought of as half-heterosexual and half-bisexual, or more simply, semibisexual.
I gave my number to a cute guy at the bar whose opening line was asking me to peg him. He must be semibisexual!
by Prophet_of_winning September 22, 2022
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A person who, upon finding out that you have to have non-straight sexuality to be in the LGBTQ+ community, decided to invent what may be the utterly stupidest sexuality, where the person infected by this disease of thought believes that they are bisexual, but only attraction to one gender. Which is not how bisexuality works.
Why on the goddamn planet does he think he's "Semibisexual?" I've never seen a person more desperate to be in the LGBTQ+ community in my entire life!
by 40-60 August 8, 2023
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