a person who insists on using an official scrabble dictionary and refuses to allow people to check a word before playing it; usually very annoying to other scrabble players
Dude, quit being such a scrabble nazi!
by DaveC October 11, 2005
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When you suck so terribly at Scrabble that your opponent doubles your score, typically while you are still figuring out why you have a tile with no letter on it.
"Nice, I have 62 points."
"Suck it, I have 130"
"How the hell did that happen? You Scrabble lapped me!"
by Bing24 April 30, 2010
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noun. A feeling of mounting frustration and even anger commonly experienced by the losing player in the popular board game, Scrabble. Scrabble Rage will often follow a surprise high-scoring word from the opponent and is particularly likely if the winner (or soon-to-be a winner) shows any signs of smugness*

NB In extreme cases of Scrabble Rage, anything the winner does or says can be interpreted by the loser as smugness. While violence is rare, much tutting, sighing, reddening of the face, muttering about bad tiles and staring into space has been recorded during outbreaks of Scrabble Rage.

*See Scrabble Smugness.
Woman: Whenever my husband loses at Scrabble he gets the most awful Scrabble Rage.

Husband: You could at least wait for me to leave the room before you start talking about me.
by Pseudocrat November 3, 2009
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To play scrabble, during which your opponent removes a piece of their clothing for each 25 points you play. (If your playing with 4 players, you might want to up that. Or not. It's up to you.) Possibly the nerdiest way to get naked.
Hey Chelsea, you want to come over and play strip scrabble?
by Wildcat08 July 12, 2006
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making sweet sweet love, hip relations, nookie. used when trying to avoid telling friends about your love making.
"yo dude what do you and shirley do at night?"
"oh nothin man, just play scrabble."
by Kalzone H July 1, 2006
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Someone who plays Scrabble with a group of friends, and deliberately uses questionable word choices in order to start a screaming match. Usually ends with said person googling the word on Scrabble's website, proving everyone wrong, and never getting invited back to game night.
Bill: How was game night last Thursday?
Maureen: It was great, we played Scrabble. Jeff's friend Dexter was kind of a dick though.
Bill: Why's that?
Maureen: He played a bullshit word, then yelled at us when we called him on it. We all started screaming at him, but it ended up being some prehistoric Alaskan hermaphroditic lobster-cantaloupe, and it was on the official word list.
Bill: Dexter sounds like a real Scrabble-rouser.
by SauceDiesel June 14, 2017
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"How did you get by in Paris?"
"I played a lot of online scrabble with someone named cheeto-breath"
by lauren reynolds December 8, 2020
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