incoherent soccer babble down by the Kirkle tribe
Me and my dad roo roo roo. Roo? ROO!
by jarvish October 1, 2003
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the most amazing gorgeous person to ever meet. she's always there for you when you're crying or just need a hug. she is always there to make you laugh and smile in times when you didn't think you could smile. she's the bobby joel to your betty the rainbow dash to your apple jack. she's the one you want as your best friend. and boyfriend but she's taken by me. im her fiance back off bois.
Reggie Roo Roo kissed me i'm irish.
by dragqueendonaldtrump April 3, 2022
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Slang term for any type of chewing tobacco. Extremely useful name in high school because teachers have no idea what is being talked about.
"Hey Greg you got any roo left?"
"Let me have a pinch of that "
by the_steve_0 March 7, 2007
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Quandale dingle: “my riggity roo ahh dad whacked me with a cast iron pan”

by Lemonade_jello_consumer April 22, 2022
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a rare mix of a Zack and a kangaroo. is also known for his head to look like a chode
the Zack a roo can only be found staring at peoples ass
by Killerflash25 March 23, 2017
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the result of england's lackluster performance in the 2010 FIFA world cup, blamed on Wayne Rooney (hence, Roo-ins).
USA upsets England with a tie.
Algeria upsets England with a tie.
England in roo-ins!
by lionelmessy June 19, 2010
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1. Slang for Arugula, a key element in any fine salad. Notes: 1) other key salad ingredients include spinach, cucumber, and croutons; 2) crouton rhymes with Scruton.

2. The commonly accepted nickname for Benjamin Scruton.
Girl 1: Yo, did you see how many bowling balls Roogy Roo just stacked on top of each other?
Girl 2: Yeah.
by Trent and Cuchulain November 16, 2010
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