When a person is acting dumb and trying to be something they're not. A fool basically but, without the pain of being told as one.
Prpldragn13: I'm in character
HueLord: shut up you Rhombus
Abivial: *tea kettle*
by Abivial January 13, 2021
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Our lord and savior. We will cherish him and shall bow to him while he passes.
I am a rhombuscus
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(adverb) To be truthful, honest, or sincere.
Can also be used as "Rhombusly", to mean honestly, truthfully, or honestly.
"Rhombusly, this party is boring I'm about to leave."
"To be completely rhombus, I cheated on my girlfriend with a man."
by b0bnotlive March 2, 2022
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"Hey dude, we ran out of chips, so I picked up some more at the store earlier."

by bpoverride January 2, 2021
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A group of 11 fine looking lads who get on the pull whenever they want, they are not betas.
Clints "Look guys! There's rhombus, they are so cool!"
by Alphanotbeta November 27, 2017
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Noun: The pg term used for a vagina.

Plural: Rhombi
1. Man, her rhombus was so tight!
2. Her rhombus smelt like a fish!
3. Man, I pulled down her pants and I could’ve sworn she had two rhombi.
by Rhombi slayer May 19, 2019
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Someone who looks funny/ shaped weird. Weirdo
by Kholm_18 April 21, 2023
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