Jenn Porter

A homosapien of the sub-genre "Ginger". See "Ginger" for more info. Though displaying the physical appearance of a "Ginger" they are far less creepy and quite possibly have a soul. Most Jenn Porters are female and surprisingly attractive.
Dude 1: Dang, did you see that Ginger walk by. I didn't even get the shivers or feel cold inside.

Dude 2: Dude, that wasn't a Ginger, that was a Jenn Porter. And she was cute!
by HealthJunkie1991 August 11, 2009
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A Disorder that Allstar Weekend fans have over the lead singer Zach Porter and there is absolutely no cure.

Symptoms include excessive drooling, talking about Zach way to much, having over 300 photos of him saved on your computer, changing your last name on Facebook to "Porter", having random spaz attacks over him, changing all your backrounds to a photo of Zach, writing Zach Porter all over your hands, and so many more
Person 1: Dude why do I always spaz over Zach Porter?

Person 2: You have Porter Disorder!
by ZachsBabyGirl June 5, 2011
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An absolute beautiful woman inside and outside, the best you have ever seen shes her at first sight
Check out that chanelle Porter
She’s is a right chanelle porter proper milf
by Stingycheddarbob December 18, 2021
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Jim porter is the love of my life. He has shaped destinies of many and has guided thousands to enlightenment. His beauty defies all bounds. It defies all bounds of universal law. He may be the smartest man in the universe, dare I say smarter than god himself. Watch as he rises above the rest of the human race, and stares down on them, as if everyone else was a small beetle. Jim porter does not live in our world. We live in Jim Porter's world.
The school board tried to take Jim porters immaculate advice, but decided instead to forget what they were talking about.
by Hillsborough County August 6, 2020
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When something is so unfunny it hurts.
God I hate Porter Humor. It's like, "how does this guy even think he's funny?" Get a load of this stinky head.
by scumbagWade January 24, 2020
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