An internet user who is obsessed with finding a poll/survey to take. He will go around a website and take the survey, then giggle with excitement when other's results load.
Poll Troll: Oooooh, I found a good poll!
What do you like most?
-Green eggs with ham
-Turkey with mayonnaise
-Monkey brains
Poll Troll: Green eggs and ham of course! Hee hee hee the results are coming soon!
by KingOfTheLand April 15, 2008
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Troll Poll was a Large stick like object measuring rougly 7 feet in length and 5 inches in diametre,

This poll was used to prod Trolls that had lost there way during the great Troll migration between Quebek and capetown in the year 1560 Bc.
Useage As Follows:

1) Troll Walks Wrong Way
2) Aim Troll Poll At Trolls Abdemen
3) Apply Forcefull Pressure to the end of the pole
4) Poke the Troll in the Abdomen.
5) Troll Walks In Correct Direction.
by Tim August 18, 2004
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An individual or class of individuals who enjoy withholding who they will eventually vote for in an election; an individual or class of individuals who manipulate(s) polls by telling telephone canvassers or other poll-takers he/she is in favor of a candidate and then his/her rival depending on the day of the week he/she is asked; an undecided voter.
Chad enjoyed confounding telephone surveyors by never telling them whom he would ultimately vote for. He is a real
poll teaser.
by the original serial poet November 5, 2012
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to have three or more guys stack on top of each other to create a totem poll.
"dude I was tottaly totem polling it last night with these dudes I met at the club"
by alex GORSKI! January 18, 2009
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for guys it's when old guys in the locker room tend to let their eyes linger on your ballot. or if you're a girl, they try to get a look inside your drop box.
Came out of the stall and a couple of poll watchers were trying to see my hanging chad.
by gingineer November 17, 2020
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LEGAND has it that the ancient Aztecs worshiped a fertility god only known as "Chodhum". They made a "Totum Poll" but instead they called it the Chodum Poll. NOW it is a Joke between two kids in Kentucky named Kyle and Micah. They were driving down the road on a (christian) school field trip when Kyle looked at Micah and told him to write in the fog on the van window "Chodum Poll" so he did it and he got away with it.
Live Reenactment:

Kyle: Dude, write Chodum poll.

Micah: Okay

(Micah writes)
*Both laugh and point*
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