An improper shortening of "as a piece of shit". This saying is similar to "as a bitch," in that it is meant to stress the preceeding adjective. This is the modern superlative. Instead of saying "This is the hottest day I've felt in some time." We have...
"It's hot as a piece."
by Lezard Valeth September 2, 2003
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Mike-"you trying to get the piece tonight?"
Doug-"yeah i need my dick sucked"
by Doug December 7, 2004
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Yo, dat female ova derr lookin like a piece.
by Nikko February 5, 2004
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A suffix you can use for any noun.. even proper nouns.
"My wangpiece was assaulted by that cunt at the Drive-Thru."
by JayR August 27, 2003
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A word to describe the current place you are residing in; usually implemented when departing.
"Yo Tedo, I'm out of this piece. Holla"
by Wes June 20, 2003
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To have relations with a woman; to fuck
"Yo bro did you end up piecing that thot last night?"
"Hell ya, I pieced her."
by peachy1234567 September 22, 2014
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