1. A male having sexual intercourse with a semi erect penis.

2. Sexual intercourse with/between larger/chubby people ; but not fat/obese.
1. I took home a girl from the bar and I was so drunk I could only give her the ol' pudge nudge.

2. That chubby couple just got married, I bet they are going to have a quick pudge nudge in the limo on the way to the reception.
by Shenanigram April 4, 2011
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"Yo bro what happened to that Sarah chick you were dating?"

"She was being weird so I gave her the Swedish nudge"
by Harry Fireham June 2, 2016
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when your layin in bed and your woman nudges you with her butt tryin to put out hints she wants to have sex
me and my ole lady got in a fight and after we made up later that night in bed she started to give me the good ole butt nudge.. guess she wasnt that mad after all
by huckfinn88 July 2, 2010
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The action of blowing a bubble and then nudging it with some object. The bubble must stay intact in order for it to be a true bubble nudge.
That's a quality bubble nudge! The bubble didn't even break!
by bubble_nudging_rocks July 27, 2017
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The art of repetitive nudging on MSN messenger, of a to-and-frow nature.
"We were talking on MSN last night, before you know it we were having nudge sex."
by theolip November 14, 2007
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In MSN Messenger - the process of rapidly exchanging nudges with another party.
"Hey, let's nudge-fuck"
by mobius535@gmail.com December 27, 2005
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