The act of noodling is any flirtation or activity related to Tinder.

It derives from the term catfish, which indicates faux online relationships, oftentimes associated with Tinder.
I met her while I was noodling
by Cjrazer74 September 29, 2013
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The term of losing one's legs (balance) after the consumption of a copious amount of THC. This person will fall as if their legs were that of a puppet. They usually will not remember falling.

Signs of noodling: One begins to sweat drammatically, they lean against an object as if they are about to fall, or they seem too quiet to be good.

FALLING could lead to serious injury. Please be sure that your friends do not noodle! Noodling seems to reboot the person and they are back to normal. GIVE THESE PEOPLE WATER & FOOD when munchies give in.
Me: "Damn Haresh, you just smoked a lot, you all right?"

H: "Yeah dude i'm fine."

Me: "Oh shit! he's about to noodle!"

Everybody: "OH FUCK! how did his legs just give out like that? ... fucking noodling is dangerous. "
by jwowtittytittybangbang November 7, 2011
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Thinking about something, contemplating it, similar to "using your noodle", i.e., brain. To ponder something...
Here is a list of things I've been noodling over the last few months...
by dan lundmark March 17, 2005
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to have sex with someone if you are not completely erect
"yo, i heard my boy got drunk and gave her the "noodle"'

"yeah he noodled the shit out of her, ya heard"
by Dr. Ew 22 September 10, 2008
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Asian people, according to the slang of Nik Richie's
"Yo, that chick smells like noodles."

"She must be part Asian dude"
by joobledotz March 29, 2010
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Noodle is another word for bex
Person #1: hey did you see noodle's outfit today?
Person #2: yeah it was so artsy
Person #1: yeah i wish i could dress more like noodle
by Pusswhip October 11, 2010
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1. Synonym for noob and newb when you don't know which of the two it is.

2. Player who acts brainless in an online skill-based game.

3. Player who is NOT part of the vital few. See also Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule.
In public servers it can usually be said that:
20% of players in a team count for 80% of the win.
80% of players in a team count for only 20% of the win.
Those 80% are noodles.

Origin: Noob --> Nood --> Noodle
Some languages' speakers have difficulties pronouncing noob or newb. To make the words flow better, the word is changed to nublar, noodel, noedel, nuddle, noodle...
Alf: That pubstar is roadkilling all my noodles
Ben: It's their fault for not thinking when they cross the street

Charlie: Man, their team sucks so bad
Dan: Yeah, they're all noodles

Ed: We need 50 kills to win and I got 15!
Frank: You're not a noodle then!
by Don Zardeone August 1, 2009
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