A phrase used for especially hilarious jokes. It has higher levels of adjectivity/adverbtivity, such as "Beejer Fubbisis" and "Beejest Fubbisisis." Additionally, the funniest of funnis should be described in all caps.

This is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, prefix, suffix, literary device, and a good way to introduce any chronic spelling disorders.
by Bruh_Box_Inc. December 26, 2022
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Coked up anime kingpin. Shows interest in creating fan fictions about his siblings and parents. Only one of his incredible kind.
I definitely just saw beej rogers walking down the street.. that thing deserves a salute.
by Klefman February 9, 2018
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Inuendo for the nickname of a lover or significant other.
I just finished taking my beeje booje to the movies, now were going out for dinner.
by Bsaga December 2, 2009
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Typically an extremely trashy blond female who's only purpose is to give head. Many can be ordered from third world countries or Johnson County. Multiple males often share one beej queen. Beej queens are inter-changable and can often be traded between their male counterparts.
I'm hurtin' for a squirtin'... You have to get yourself a beej queen dude.
by tsextown August 5, 2010
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The character Beetlejuice that is from the broadway musical. This Particular Beej is a sweet little demon boi who just wants a friend but everyone keeps leaving him, His mother Juno chose the booze, and Lydia his underage bride killed him right after bringing him alive. He is Played by the wonderful Alex Brightman who most members of the fandom would do anything to meet him and give Beej a hug.
Lydia: Hey Beej!
Beej: Lydia?
Lydia: What's wrong sugar lumps? Thought I wouldn't come back?
Beej: Well you literally jumped into hell to get away from me.
by _look_at_this_crib_ October 30, 2019
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Omg! Look at that dad! He’s such a beej.
by Hskab November 13, 2020
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A word used for a bag of kush
Lets meet in town to get a beej
by samkushh February 5, 2019
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