Ninja can be mistaken for those guys who run around at night in black however, similar is it’s true definition. Which is a criminal who robs and joins gangs these “ninjas” are well known for being loud and abnoxious.
by Komodo Food July 10, 2023
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A word used to describe something that is friggin' awesome.
Person 1: Did you watch that basketball game last night?

Person 2: Ya, omg, that move that that guy did was like, so ninja!!!

Persoon 1: IKR!!!!
by Mr. Hedgehog December 21, 2010
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Full of ninjas or involving ninjas.

*Most commonly used in reference to an anime or manga, but is not exclusive to either.
1. Naruto is my favorite ninjaful anime of all time.
2. This years anime convention was the best due to it's ninjafulness.
by Melissa the random samurai August 14, 2006
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Another Word for Nigga,..
Also can be substituted for -- Bro, Cousin, Cuz, Dawg,Dude,.. etc.
1Whats up my ninja?
2Nothin much just relaxin.
by Z-Mo [Florida] June 2, 2007
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n. A Japanese warrior trained in secret techniques of espionage and assassination.
The word literally means 'patient person' (the kanji for nin being 'patience' and the kanji for ja being 'person').
The ninja skillfully extracted the secrets of the castle and assassinated the general, making war impossible.
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What was once a proud feudal Japanese assassin renowned for its ninjutsu skills and martial arts/weapons training now reduced to American five-year olds reenacting what they see on Naruto and getting injured for it. Ninjas formerly trained in clans or legions. Now they go to school in an academy to better relate to American children. Weaksauce =(
I'm gonna be a NINJA! Believe it! Watch this, mom! It's not dangerous, I saw it on Naruto!!!
by mechademon5 February 26, 2008
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