The act of a male putting tooth paste on his penis and then "brushing" the females teeth with his penis.
"Last night after I was done with my girl she was Minty Flesh."
by The real Houdini February 24, 2010
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Like a dirty sanchez except toothpaste is used as lube and then you jizz in her mouth and use your dick as a toothbrush
Max: Hey baby I think tonight we should try out the minty sanchez.
eRIn: What's that?
Max: You'll find out soon enough
by Mike Hunt 69 March 13, 2008
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Minty hot is derived from the two words "mint" as in "mint condition" and "Hot" as in "She/He is HOT!!"
When something looks like its in good shape and hasn't been used much and it is extremely eye catching at the same time, it is minty hot. It can be used for people as well as inanimate objects.
Hey man, last night I had sex with this woman from Gambia! Dude, she was Minty Hot! Hardly used and looked good!
by GC Guido September 14, 2006
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Minty-Boss is when something is boss, but also original and new so as to be refreshing, much like a minty stick of gum.
I love going to festivals every summer, they are boss. But i've never been to one like Bestival, that was Minty-Boss.
by liiiid November 26, 2010
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When you eat something minty and you poop. For some reason, it smells like a mint.
Jackson: today, I just had a minty poop
by A_Formal_Fart November 10, 2020
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A fresh dick that is wide but small
Hey guys look at cale over there he has a minty chode.
by Minty guy May 22, 2023
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a tingle that is minty
bro did you see how minty that minty tingle was?
by poperoni304 September 15, 2023
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