A heterosexual male who may often be mistaken for being Gay or Bisexual, May act in a manner which is often considered effeminate, knows the difference between a highlight brush and a foundation brush or between a beauty blender and an egg timer (idek, do regular guys get those confused? lol.). May wear nail-polish and in some cases Guy-liner. May be found in shops like Boots or Superdrug in the nail aisle.
Friend: "Lol, Bisexual in denial."
Me: "I told you! I'm just Metrosexual."
Friend: "Yeah right."
by MetroEmo March 5, 2017
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It’s heterosexual but they look gay to put it simple
Usually someone so straight they don’t even notice they are acting gay bc homosexual thoughts don’t cross there mind at all
Man: Boy seems gay.
Dude: Nah he’s just metrosexual.
Man: Oh alright, phew!
Boy: You guys look good!
Man and Dude: Thanks!
by Manlyland January 7, 2022
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An extremely self-conscious, egotistic man who only cares about what he looks like and will try to look as feminine as possible while maintaining some aspects of manliness, Waxing Eyebrows. Skinny Jeans, Tanning etc as it is their image of ¨¨¨attractiveness¨¨¨. Most of, if not all Metrosexuals, go to the gym, will try to one-up everybody else, think that they are the most beautiful creature on the planet and think that every woman or man on the planet wants to be with them. But in reality, they are average at best and are living in an ego-filled fantasy world fueled by their insecurities. It is caused by the internet and the media, in which men are exposed to attractive celebrities and models on a contstant basis and aspire to be them or better than them for egotistic reasons. This type of person came to prominence in the 90s. Some Metrosexuals will even go as far as walking in a feminine style to appear more attractive, but me and other girls laugh at them and find their charade pathetic.
Lol, See that Metrosexual? Well someone's delusional...
by michelle746736 September 20, 2017
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A person that’s sexually attracted to subways
Dude 1: I really like the London subway, it’s so curvy
Dude 2: yo I think you’re metrosexual
by NaiBai July 24, 2019
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This is a type of man who is really rather effeminate in many of his mannerisms and even feigns homosexuality for the sake of humor. But alas still wouldn't not be sexually anything about even Tom Cruise but would totally be sexual about any twenty something pretty lady that he sees.
by Sad Diego December 28, 2016
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A term used by marketing to 'butch up' the connotations of the word 'gay' from the often assumed 'fruity' to garner a broader and more 'macho' market for cosmetics including straight men. It also helps the border liners to ease out of the closet.
Glen: "Have you seen Ron lately?" "He's doing 'guy-lites',lipstick and nail polish." "He's calling himself 'Metrosexual'- but totally straight."

Ted: "I hear yah man, all the straight guys I know are just crying to be re-defined."
by shelf life August 27, 2008
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A guy who dresses and/or acts like he's gay but he actually isn't
Megan: Is Dylan gay?
Tracy: No, no.. He's just metrosexual
by aryk117 December 19, 2010
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