Word refering to a person who generally doesnt care for much, mosstly who live the good life. these people are not ones who take everything too seriously. Also these people are not stuck up ass wads who do not follow current events
That guy over there is just sitting there. He seems fine with his well being and enjoying himself. Hes really Maxin relaxin
by brett calvin September 26, 2006
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I beautiful girl who is very funny and and usually has one best friend who they have known since birth they can be violent but in a nice ish way and hate languages
Maxine-emilys are like teddy bears
by Fish 1234 June 19, 2017
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A video game character that goes out smoking cigarettes, drinking bud lights, and killing homeland security officers.
Maxine Caulfield was shot by homeland security in a shootout.
by Dumbledore2680 November 22, 2018
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When you and one or more of your friends go to a shitty fast food place, most likely mcdonalds, and proceed to buy a shit ton of food, go somewhere and eat the shit out of all that food, preferably in a place that other people can see you guys engorge yourself and clog your arteries, but also bask in your manliness
Friend 1: Dude I'm so hungry, wanna get some food?
Friend 2: Fuck yeah, dude. Tonight, we're maxin out on micky d's
Friend 1: DUUUUDE!
by Maxing out January 18, 2011
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The ultimate form of relaxing, and chilling out. Doing this to the maximum. Most commonly in the sun, with friends!
What You Doin?

Just Chillaxin To D Maxin With Mates!
by Kat P April 23, 2007
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Probably a 14 year old in 2017-2018. Very childish and probably goth. Listening to alternative rock at the moment. Most likely owns a husky, a cat, and or a lizard.
Stop acting like Lyndee Maine Scott, you emo.
Lyndee Maxine Scott is an odd person
by Lyndee.s January 15, 2018
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What Will Smith does alongside all shootin' some B-ball outside of the school.
In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin' some B-ball outside of the school

--Will Smith
by Ggoorrsstt February 10, 2012
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