A man who gets no bitches (real), can't rhyme orange with banana, and blocks everyone he knows due to his addiction to drugs
by Matias hater 12 April 5, 2022
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A Matias is a person who seems like his name is Matias. Matias's can range from cool dudes to tryhards to rly fckin weird. But more often than not, a Matias is gröding harder thought possible
*Matias try harding at ping pong*
"Wowww, Matias you're such a fuckin matias fr tho"
by stubaOG January 25, 2022
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Hes a fat midget that has his own name spelled wrong because no is called mathias without an H thats just wrong.
Matias like "being" home alone with his 2 little sisters and thats a lovely thought at first sight, but it really ain't because he molests them nearly every day, and hes somehow not in prison rn god knows why.
Matias molests kids.
by 5q6wk7el8ræ9,j March 2, 2018
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That dude with a 5 meter long dick, who makes every girl wet af. Talented at everything he tries.
Girl 1: Omg, who's that?
Girl 2: Wow, that's Matias.. remember the name
by CancerMixedWithEbola December 13, 2016
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Very intelligent guy (cap), many girls like him, though he chooses to ignore it due to his lack of rizz. Has a good career and leads a very balanced life. Typically, a Matias will also not live with his dad, resulting in a very schizophrenic young man. Obsessed with goth girls.
Matias is a very skinny guy, he can't even bench 275lbs / 125kg unlike his very short but beautiful italian friend.
by RandyXYT September 4, 2023
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