A money hungry whore who is lazy beyond belief. Will not compromise on any situation. Fat as hell because she has to have her cake and eat it too. Will send you pussy pics (which you will regret receiving). Incapable of admitting she is wrong. Also highly ignorant in the grammar department. Will lie about her income to receive government assistance. Don’t sleep with her. She will get pregnant and take all your money in court (only because someone else pays her lawyer fees).
Ugh that girl is a mandy.

You ever heard of a mandy, stay the hell away from her.

Mandy will ruin your life.

Amanda is a sucubus
by Doyouhearyourself February 3, 2018
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A hoe and a slut. She gets fake items from stores and makes herself try and look rich but she really isn’t. She’s fake and a whore. She has big lips and is hairy. She tries and steals everything from you. Ugh🙄😒
Omg is that Mandy?” “Yea she’s such a bitch
by OKURRRT July 27, 2018
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When a male goes for a chick, however that chick got pounced on by one of your so called 'bros' right under your nose.
oh man, my best mate just did a Mandy on me and stole my chick last night
by Mandy's mate June 22, 2017
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"It was a slow night at the bar, so I decided to swing through the Castro on the way home for a cheap mandy."
by Peetwice March 3, 2015
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Gay underground term for womb, according to Cheech and Chong in "Get Out Of My Room"
Yo homes! Don't be hoggin' all the blunts man. Man, we gotta get outta this dump and find us some sweet Mandy, you know what I'm sayin' esay?
by Smackum Yackum June 2, 2011
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MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high sex appeal. Great in bed!!! Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak in bed. Spontaneous. Great tellin stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock yo...ur lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to
Mandi keepher
by moonsvenus February 3, 2010
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This down home red skinned momma appears sweet and innocent, watch out she's feisty one! If you can break through her shell and get to know her you will see she's sweet, honest, lovable, sincere and loyal. This girl has got her head on straight and has a serious case of tunnel vision when it comes to what she wants, so don't stand in her way. She will always has your back, but be careful not to cross her or she'll fuck you up! Mandi is a great friend and has always be there in good times and bad, and will do pretty much anything to see you smile. If you have a chance, hold her and never let her go or you'll always wonder.
"Hey did you see Mandi today?"
"Yeah I did, she was doing the hokey pokey for a giggle!"
"What a funny girl"
by thewonderer2497 February 5, 2010
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