After an argument, sharing food that is so delicious, it's better than sex.
She got on my nerves! But we had some of those wild boar tacos afterwards... best make up food.. ever!
by King Shieldz June 2, 2014
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This is an illegal action and should be avoided. Don't do it.
making up words like "gleeful" by simply making the word glee an adjective. thats just terrible.
by smartkidwhoissmart March 2, 2011
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When two persons are tired of their unkept anger towards each other and decided to make amends with a hot make out session!
Matt: Clara, I've been thinking about how dumb our fight was, I really thin-
Clara: Oh Matt, let's just make up and make out.
Matt: yahoooo!
Juan: Oh Keith, how much I have missed you! I'm so sorry for our fights! I want nothing more than to cuddle and love you again.
Keith: oh man Juan, let's make up and make out!
by Blacksheep October 5, 2015
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Whitley Bay make up can be found on various ladies of loose morals around the pubs of Whitley Bay most nights of the week.

Whitley Bay makeup is supplied exclusivly by a company names Pollyfilla and must be applied with a trowel.

It is often mixed with orange food colouring to give that 'Tango'd' look and most be allowed to dry very quicly to achieve that cracking 'Orange Peel' look.

Whitley Bay makeup is applied by the bucket load to all age groups in the area from the 16 year olds trying to get in to the 70 year old dinasaurs that stalk South Parade at the end of the night seeking out the drunken men as prey.
'Woh look at the clipof that, she has her Whitley Bay Make up on'
by stuarm November 22, 2012
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to do something very fast to compensate for a slow start
After going through the all that We ought to make up for lost time.
by The Return of Light Joker August 3, 2009
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It means think long or decide .
Me: did you make up your mind about this?
Sarah: No, I need more time.
by Xefa Fexa February 9, 2017
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