
American Sitcom word used in 21st century

To mac the oppisite sex, same sex, to have sex with them.
Im going to mac her tonight

Get ready to be mac'ed
by Flang! September 28, 2009
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A really fat racist mother fucker. He's also 99% gay so don't sleep next to him.
Wow you tried to fuck me quit, being a Mac
by slummoG February 9, 2020
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filler word, a smooth person in any scene
guy1: Mac, you totally were hitting on that chick last night.
Guy2: Then you obviously dont understand what game is mac.
by sixththeman July 11, 2008
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A marketing term used by Apple Inc. to sell Windows PCs put into different casings and loaded with a proprietary OS known as Mac OS X that can't do anything besides allow the user to watch porn without getting viruses. And of course, sold at a higher price.
Bob: Just got the new Mac Pro!
Mohinder: Bitch please, I built the same thing with the exact same specs and it didn't cost me $60,000!
Bob: But this doesn't get viruses unlike your Windows machine so I can watch porn safely!
by Jteve Sobs November 27, 2013
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a game of surprise involving knocking things out of another person's hands.
Dylan: *walks by with his books*
Trey: *knocks them out of his hands* "mac mac"
Dylan: "Shit" *picks up books again*
(repeat as many times as wanted)

Mariah: *eating a box of Cheez its*
Sara: *knocks them out of her hands* - "mac mac"
Mariah: "Damn it Sara"
by Kizzy-boo February 26, 2011
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The term used to replace McDonald's by adult children.
"I went for a drive to get some mac mac"
by tripodius October 15, 2023
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to try to hit on someone of the opposite sex, but usually a man trying to hit on a woman.
Shawn was getting his mac on at the club the other night.

Shawn was trying to mac on this girl at the bar.
by whistle_grrl September 17, 2003
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