A meme with no purpose, bit of a player, running for it 24/7, can’t pass a cheese puff, likes salads, has a dangerous pond in her back garden, mums Nigella Lawson, dad owns a CBeebies show, used to have the best trim back 2011. Good luck finding one.
Sooooo Lorraine can’t wait she knows it’s too late when she’s sitting on my mum.....
by LordBBBBBBB December 9, 2017
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Holds that L
Lorraine goes gym but doesn't eat like a eediot
by jujujjjjuujujujjj November 22, 2021
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Cute, annoyingly beautiful, and also lazy girl. Extremly dense but loves to try new things. Surprisingly wild but not intense. She loves dressing for no apparent reason, just trying where she looks good. And she doesnt know shell look good even in a apron.

First girl i truly loved. I knew it would end i just ignored the fact that it was near. We are very distant relatives. Now after 2 years. I still post tiktok qoutes and phrases about her but she doesn't know about it
by Fr-aya May 14, 2022
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A big annoying girl that never listens and always hangs around with a girl called summer that is really annoying never talk to a girl called Lorraine ness she is always reallly big if u know what I mean
Lorraine ness
by Human3000 October 31, 2019
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Fat human that no one likes and hangs around with a peacock and the peacock is a big annoying cock
Lorraine ness is annoying
by Human3000 October 31, 2019
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Pretty girl, hot tempered person but emotional peep. Short, good in overthinking, has a great humor, she always make her self free so anybody can talks to her.
Francheska Lorraine Cruz is always angry but she always cry too.
by Minda Margareth Avril March 11, 2022
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Also known as the Disgrace to Canada, North America's Kim Jong Un, the Canadian fuckboy, etc. Character from a baby show - he is a bus driver who pees his pants basically every day in his purest form. He has two spoiled children and is running for Canadian prime minister. His mother - Celine Dion.
Butters pooped on Danny Lorraine's mom 68 + 1.
by Buttersisthebest2018 June 30, 2018
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