A BBQ in which the cook has 0 patience for special requests. Also, the food will be served all at once and left on the table to become cold.
Vern: How is the BBQ over already?

Andrew: We had a Lebanese BBQ , better grab your food while it's hot now.
by fiberman11 September 22, 2017
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A sexual maneuver in which a shady man lights a candle in a womans anus, lights it, then lets it harden. After it has hardened for about 10-15 minutes, the man uses the new rectal totem to fuck her.
"yeah this guy at the mall selling fake glasses asked me if I wanted to try a lebanese pound"
by kolaoncoke August 8, 2023
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This is a delicate process, and no steps should be skipped.

1. Eat a Burrito
2. Take a shit in your underpants
3. Turn them inside out and allow the larger chunks to fall off, leaving smaller residue.

4. Place them in the freezer over night
5. Invite a girl over
6. When making out, place the frozen underwear over your hand like an oven mit, and gently massage her vagaina, just like you are sanding a peice of wood with sandpaper.
John- Hey Bill, how was your first match.com date last night?
Bill- It went well, until I did the lebanese sandpaper.

John- really, my sister told me she loves when guys do that
Bill- Weird....
by I shit in urinals June 10, 2010
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Using your tongue to remove a falafel from a woman's vagina
Hey girl you want to go have a Lebanese lunch?
by Jaboi67 July 4, 2018
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Overcharging an absurdly high amount of money to those of Lebanese descent.
A man walks into Big Mama's pizzeria and notices a sign reading "Ask for the Lebanese Discount." The man, who is of Lebanese descent, feels he is about to get a deal of a lifetime. After bringing his pizza home to eat, he notices he was charged double for his medium pizza. He fell victim to the classic Lebanese Discount.
by BDZ16 April 22, 2015
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First, you put an alka-sletzer in your woman's vaj. Then, after sex you eat the foam that comes out.
Shelley made me have a Lebanese Latte last night. I feel sick...
by Master_t_ October 13, 2006
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