Legit the most gorgeous girl you can find.
The nicest as well.

Always has your back and will make sure you’re ok even if she isn’t.

Very unique name as well.
From personal experience Lanie is the best girl you could ever have.

She’s gorgeous, smart, and funny as hell.
Her favorite thing ever is hugs, and she’s got one hell of a grip when she hugs you.
It’s like a damn python is grabbing you.
Anyone would be insanely lucky to have a Lanie as a friend, sister, or especially girlfriend.
That Lanie chick is extremely cute.
by SisterHaterinator July 5, 2019
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Smart, Happy, is a go getta in anything they do. Makes you happy, will love you always
If you hang out with Lanie you will always be happy
by December 12, 2020
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Lanie is a girl who is usually tall, athletic, and funny. She cares for others especially her best friends, when she likes someone. She will try her hardest to be in a relationship with that person, but Lanie can get down on herself somewhat easily.
“Lanie is tall, and funny.”
by GabeG862 October 1, 2019
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The most amazing girl in the universe. She's really smart and kind and she's sooooo cute.
Im in love with lanie.
by yaboithegirl April 1, 2019
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People named lanie are really nice people who do a lot of nice things. Lanies are funny and love movies about lambs and love eating burritos.

People named lanie probably a have brown hair and eyebols.

She is a girl obviously.

She might be russian or italian.
Wow, Lanie sure is nice!
by uni_sour3 March 13, 2022
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Lanie is the most perfect person you’ll ever meet she is so caring kind and beautiful. If you ever have a problem or bad day spend 5 minutes with her and all you problems go away. She is also so very funny. she is very hot beautiful and gorgeous
person: lanie is the most perfect person

person 2: damn you must rly love you

person: yea i do
by Anonymous_73 February 15, 2023
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