To elbow someone in the gut followed by an immediate backhand to the face. Only seen done under the influence of alcohol.
Man after he got wasted he pulled a lo on his girl.
by 12e_JynXed April 20, 2009
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The chant used by a priest unit in Age of Empires, when converting a member of the enemy tribe to its own.
Tribe 1 centurion: 'Hey look, an enemy priest!'
Tribe 1 other centurion: 'Wow, I wonder what he's doing all the way out he-'
Tribe 2 priest: 'Wo lo looooooo.' 'Wo lo loooooo.' 'Wo lo loooooooo.'
Tribe 1 other centurion: '.............MUST. ATTACK.'
Tribe 1 centurion: 'Whoa, WHAT?! AAAAAAAH!!!'
by rugtas May 18, 2011
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A word to express laughter or to describe something funny. Short for lol.
Person 1: Hey hows it going?
Person 2: lo

Person 1: hahah look at this noob
Person 2: lo as
by Ashley Greenwood May 22, 2008
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short word 4 hello (2 end letters of hello)
*ring ring*
by ReDDo August 17, 2003
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Slang for any version of the game Halo
You dawg you trying to play some lo?
by thebigscott189 February 5, 2008
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A shortened term for "Rathalos" from the PS2/PSP game
Monster Hunter/Monster Hunter Freedom(2).
los flies around too damn much...
by GoD-oF-pHaRtS May 3, 2007
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los not laughing out load
by xmel3 September 6, 2009
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