1. its like lol only you missed and got kik
2. I got a kick out of that
"My friend went to a party last night and threw up."
by KylemotherfuckingFallon September 9, 2006
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a rather new abbreviation for
Keeping It Kool/Kewl
John: hey
Matt: hey
John: hows it?
Matt: ntb... n u?
John: KIK
Matt: kewl...
by pooboo July 11, 2008
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The humongous typo of "lol". The idiots way of telling people they are plaining retarded.
by --a0a-- February 26, 2003
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An app used to text your friends
Decota: yo I'm finna get on Kik

Karl: me too
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To express that spmething was fun or enjoyed.
"That concert was kik"
by Jen Rice April 7, 2005
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A stereotypical term used for emotional and attention-seeking females (or males in some cases) who change their profile picture to black when nothing goes their way; or a tragic event ("Arc") happens. These type of females have originated on the smartphone messaging app, Kik with their daddy issues or father complexes. They also tend to start drama/arguments with other females within these Kik group chats or Discord servers; while showing feelings of distress and deep seeded issues concerning family, friends and colleagues with one another.
Everyone over here talking about Kik Females, but they haven’t realized yet that Jason’s one of them too.
by Taciturnn January 9, 2019
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