A Guy With A Huge Penis And A Good Sence Of Humor. You Would Have To Be His Friend To Understand Him. He Is Good With The Ladies And Loves To Have Girls As His Friends. He Is Loyal And Nice. Dirty-Mined and Not Afried To Talk About His Sex Life. And An Awesome Guy If Your Ever Talking Or Know A Kaleb Try To Befriend Him.
Kayla: I Love Kaleb
Jadien: ask his friend if he likes you
Connor:he loves u
Kayla: OMG
by Artist "Kae" January 17, 2019
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is the boy you would lose all of your respect for, GIVE UP YOUR MORALS FOR, he can slut you out anyday. Kaleb is smooth, disrespectful in all the ways possible. Will beat you up and the next minute finger you in class. He is also bi, he gets the best of both worlds. THIS MAN IS PACKING, IM TALKIN INCHESSSSSSSSS. Kaleb is probably the most shameless person you’ll ever meet. When he gets close to you it’s like a whole nother side that you never knew. He will hold you, caress you, tease you. Kaleb is the only one you ever allowed to be close to you the way he was, the only one allowed to touch you. Kaleb is the only one you’ve ever cried over. Kaleb is the only one you truly wanted attention from. Kaleb will have you DOWN BAD forreal.
Jalen: you like kaleb?
Jas: OMG YES I would do anything for him!
Jalen: yea J you down bad fa this nigha😂
by CheeseAndCracjers May 23, 2022
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Kaleb can be asshole he is such a delquient but funny he is built like a giraffe 🤘💀
Hey Kaleb

Omg you can "light up a room"
by Peedeewager November 17, 2019
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The sweetest man anyone could ever meet. Despite their rather annoying tendencies, when it’s the right time they’re always supportive, caring, and helpful. Kaleb’s are some of the kindest people you will meet. Along with their amazing personality they also have such a flattering appearance. Most Kaleb’s have “jungle eyes”, a mixture of blue and green that reminds one of a jungle, and dark brown, curly hair. If you’re ever lucky enough to meet, befriend, or date a Kaleb don’t let that opportunity go.
“Hey man, I just meet someone named Kaleb.”

“Wow, I bet he’scool, I knew a Kaleb once, be sure not to let him go.”
by Mad1s0n September 24, 2018
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A salty person.... Very salty
Kaleb is so salty
by Awsomepeople101 February 24, 2017
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douche bag, mono spreading whore who tends to change his mind frequently.
Sorry I've been an ass, I've just felt like a real Kaleb today...
by bro ho rent boy September 28, 2012
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