JEMMA IS THE BEST PERSON YOU'LL EVER MEET. She is so nice and caring and the funniest person ever. She may seem a little rude at first but once you get to know her, she becomes the best person in your life. Jemma is my favorite person without a doubt. She's so cool and pretty and has the most gorgeous eyes you'll ever see. Jemma never fails to lighten up the mood. Even when you're at your lowest she will make you feel so happy. When jemma smiles you smile. When jemma is happy you're happy. Jemma is the coolest, funniest, prettiest, and most perfect girl ever. Jemma saved my life.
Person 1: Do you know Jemma?
Person 2: Yeah, She's the most perfect person ever!
by Kayad:) September 16, 2022
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a big booty babe with curves like the great ocean road. although she's young she is great with her tongue from eating a small african villages food supply in under an hour
"Hey, have you seen Jemma's big juicy fruity pussy and how luscious it is. sure hope Jules doesn't catch me smashing"
by jemma2018 October 10, 2022
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Jemma has mad skill, she can flip patties better than spongebob and she don’t even know the krabby paddy secret formula.

Don’t cross a Jemma or she’ll choke you out with a handful of spaghetti and then force you to eat them.
Jemma is dope
by beautifulcreature696969 June 7, 2022
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The best sex you will ever have in your entire life. If she leaves you you’re screwed because you will only ever see her face every time you orgasm after having her. Nothing compares to Jemma. Jemma smells so good. You will miss her smell for the rest of your life.

Jemma has old fashioned values. She takes care of you better than your own mother ever could. If you’re sick Jem’s got you. She will make you feel so loved. Jemma is stable and reliable and committed. Jemma has a second to none sense of humour for a girl. She is genuinely fun. Jemma makes great food. Jemma gives amazing head. The kind of ride or die wife material you will only meet once in a lifetime… Her farts smell though.
Maaan I miss Jemma

Jemma was the one that got away.

This girl is not as good in bed as Jemma.

I wish I could talk to Jemma right now.

All of my family loved Jemma, I’m not surprised my exes were jealous of her.

Jemma is wife material.
by Yourmumwozhere September 14, 2021
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A woman with a massive bunda which she uses as her unique selling point to any man with £20 in cash. You can find 8:30 16:00 every weekday at the bearpit in a skimoy outfit like a slut.
Did Jemma last night. Had ti ask for my Twenty pounda back
by Bollockthwaite August 2, 2020
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Jemma is a bad bitch who wont take no ones bullshit. She is amazing at roasting people and if you get on the wrong side of her she will drag you across the floor like you are her luggage. She can be a very nice person once you get to know her. Shes also cute , and hot , and everything your not ( I'm so sorry I had to put that one in lmao)
Boy 1: wow theres jemma shes so fit

Boy 2: ye but if you do anything wrong she will destroy you

Boy 1: I'm willing to take that chance , I think shes really nice underneath all that toughness.
by Thickkynickyy October 28, 2020
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