A man who only knows how to solve a pyraminx and is also Arabic
Hi, I'm Jasper. I'm from the Middle East
by Qwertz Is Cool Nobody is Dumb September 17, 2019
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When you need more than 1 roll of toilet paper after taking a shit, you've pulled a Jasper.
Person 1: Did you liked your kebab last night?
Person 2: No i didn't, it gave me a Jasper.
Person 1: Auwchh..
by Pitbull_123 June 15, 2011
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A name used to describe a hopeless lover.
Yo man you need to grow some balls and stop being a Jasper!
by Kassanu October 24, 2006
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Someone with a big round buttocks usually height challenged and light skin
Man #1 "yo did you just see her ass bruh"

Man #2 "yea bruh she had the Jasper
by klark kent July 24, 2014
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To bite the head of a dick off.
His dog jasperd him
by JakeH434 July 2, 2009
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Jasper is a blonde, British stud. He may appear tough, but inside he really does feel. He is extremely loyal, and even though he has a hard time showing it, he is really loving to that special someone. Jasper has the most piercing blue eyes that will cut you to the soul. He likes to protect his woman and hopes to have many children. Many girls want a Jasper because of how handsome, but intelligent he is. He doesn't ever back down from a fight, and he will win at anything. sometimes, Jasper will be self conscious about things he shouldn't be, but in the end he tries not to focus too much on the silly things. Finally, Jasper is incredible. In every way possible.
Hanna: Did you see Harry?!
Katherine: Yeah, but I'm looking for a Jasper...
by Dankememes20 June 1, 2017
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A really good you should probably date, if you don't thats okay too; just know you would be missing out on someone great
I met a Jasper last night he is everything that I have ever imagined
by AgentTurnip January 31, 2018
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