a real tzaddik. has a big dick and short legs, overall a hottie. likes memes and anime tits.
yeah i was talking to jakey
by forklift April 2, 2023
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A sick lad with a huge cock. He loves showing his snake to all the boys. All the men love him.
Jakey has a way with all the men
by Daddy Jakey!!! December 22, 2021
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A fucking sick lad with a huge cock and loves using it with men.
Jakey is the lad with all the dudes
by Daddy Jakey!!! December 22, 2021
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If you know a Jaey, you're a very lucky person. He is always a great person to be around, will always put others infront of him and will make you look the best you can possibly be. Callum's are very generous, sexy, loving, caring, sweet, sensitive, HOT, humorous, good to cuddle, sexy body and very good in bed. They are there to help you in any situation and always there for a shoulder to cry on. They are very protective towards their girlfriends and would stick up for them no matter what and can't wait for a future with that one particular girl. They're also one of the most competitive people you will ever meet, and, no doubt, they're already plotting how to go pro on that new (200th) hobby they've picked up. Smart? More like genius.
- Hey, you know that Jakey dude?

- Yeah. You gon' talk about his recent win in the national coding competition?
- Yeah, his code was so compact and optimized it was fucking great bro!
- Man, I envy him.
by StevenLeigh December 22, 2018
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Jealous; in your feelings ,mad your girlfriend banged all your friends; mad you plowed your girl with your dude
Don’t get all jakey on me bro
by Big bite February 14, 2020
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The best person in the world,aside from Zach's (is that how you say that) they have constant mood changes and specifically hate people with the name Zoe.
Guess who made this.Just guess.Jakey
by Your friendly neighborhood Jak October 18, 2020
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