Mommy issues is actually the exact opposite of being a momma's boy. Just like having Daddy issues is the opposite of being a daddy's girl.

A guy who didn't have a mother (figure) or that hasn't had a close relationship to her, lacking motherly care.
" Guys with mommy issues usually turn out to be players and seek women affection through sex/ have bad image of women. Or think they want a gf/wife but really want a girl to act like their mommy. Also usually those with commitment issues too"
by Mg3000 May 17, 2012
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when you have attachment issues to a partner its very difficult for you to say goodbye or goodnight because you love them so much. This is okay if the relationship is healthy, because its just because you’re in love. someone who is attached might have trouble sleeping unless their partner is there to hug them. someone who is attached might also not admit it , but its very clear to see that they are glued to their partner.
Kelsie has attachment issues when it comes to peter. She always needs him around “

Anthony is always at his boyfriend Ben’s house, those two have bad attachment issues “
by thatkrakwore April 3, 2020
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When you hate something as much as you hate your stepdad. You hate it, but you know it has to be there 'cause your mom loves it.
Will: I got stepdad issues with the media.
Darren: Fo real?
Will: Like, I hate that shit but it's gotta be there.
by yahweh July 16, 2015
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What a girl has when she is rejected by her father. Often results in her having trouble finding a significant other and trusting people. Girls with Daddy Issues will also sometimes date older men.
"I heard Kate calling her boyfriend Daddy the other day. Can you say Daddy Issues?"
by shamelessslut January 17, 2016
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you have issues keep a healthy relationship with your mom
you and your mom cant stop arguing, or she says hurtful things, or invalidates your feelings.
shes probably said things like these to you :

"stop being a ungrateful piece of shit"
"all you do is take up space and suck up all the oxygen"
"maybe if you werent such a fuck up"
"you're the problem"
"your a mistake"
"you're so fucking mean all the damn time"
"you're so annoying"
"leave me the fuck alone"
"i give you almost everything you fucking ask for and its still never enough"
"you're overdramatic"
"stop complaining so damn much"
"good for nothing"
"why are you legs so skinny"
"you eat to much"
"your eating to little"
"you look fat"
"your gaining weight"
"why are you losing weight"
"you dont have any mental problems your just a fucking weirdo"
if so, you have mommy issues.
by TheSkinnestBitchAlive December 28, 2022
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you have trouble not getting mad
dude you have anger issues
by wipple bipple February 19, 2021
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