An expression when three occurrences of fucked up shit is happening in one’s life.
Dude 1: Hey man, you seem down. What’s going on?

Dude 2: Yeah I am! My truck broke down, girlfriend is pregnant and I’m out of cigarettes!

Dude 1: Fuck, it seems like you’ve encountered the holy trinity of bullshit!
by 202cm2 June 14, 2022
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when you piss, shit , and jack it in one sitting
I did the holy trinity at anons house and clogged his toilet.
by Daddy_yadig February 16, 2016
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According to the pharmaceutical industry and drug culture the holy trinity is a high risk mix of one opiate one muscle relaxer and one benzodiazepine example methadone soma and xanax
Hey man I'm so tired of the usual bar scene lets really party tonight and do the holy trinity of drugs
by Indigomoon January 3, 2019
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The three holes of a woman in which a man can comfortably stick his penis in.
You got the holy trinity of holes?
Yep she let me have them all in one night!
by casey19876 April 4, 2011
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one of the most lit schools in kanata, no cap.
principal: welcome to holy trinity highschool!

new student: damn
by holytrinitySUCKS December 14, 2019
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three girls performing sexual acts of rape on three random guys at three in the morning after snorting three lines and doing three shots. each.
"We totally holy trinity-ed thomas last night."

Tessa-"You up for some holy trinity on saturday?"

Cassie and Becca-"Everyyyyy Saturday"
by The REAL BESSIE June 16, 2007
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