Historical fiction
When people claim things that are historically incorrect. Example: Palestinian people existed before the 1960s, which is historical fiction.
by June 4, 2024
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An obviously unrequited love for a historical figure.
My co-workers hooked up because he looks like Abraham Lincoln, her historic crush.
by RwjKnowsStuff January 17, 2017
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To like or have strong feelings for someone for a really, really long time.
"So Amber you're friends with Kyle?"
"Yea, why?"
"Tiffany has had a Historic Crush on him since like 3rd grade, maybe you can introduce them?"
by UES_queen14 June 12, 2019
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History related topics and discoveries that could be controversial and once you read and learn about it is so eye opening that feels like you just heard some hot new gossip that you have to tell someone and share.
I just learned the best historical tea today about the early colonial settlers in Georgia.
by elrena March 30, 2021
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