An internet meme used to depict upset at an event or outcome.
Heartbroken cowboy is heartbroken by the tragedy in Greece.

When my little brother sees his goldfish has died, he's going to be a totally heartbroken cowboy.
by Andellic July 17, 2018
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A heartbroken fuckboy, is someone who is constantly getting fucked over but doesn’t realize once he gets in a relationship he’s fucking over the millions of people who are trying to heal his heart... he usually waste his time with girls or boys and leaves them after a month once the others lost feelings for him.
“Didn’t you hear Jacob and Alice started dating?”
“ Didn’t Genieve like Jacob?”
“What a heartbroken fuckboy.”
by DudeBroFUCK October 14, 2018
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An album released in 2010 by Twiztid, focusing on music about women.
Guy 1: I just bought the new heartbroken & homicidal CD

Guy 2: HOLY SHIT...
by LoudMouthAumnix January 13, 2011
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a feeling of having hundreds of knives cut deep into your heart. it feels like someone ripping out your heart and stomping on it constantly. when you love someone endlessly and than they go and stomp all over it like it’s a ‘welcome home’ rug.
miranda: I can’t help but be hopelessly heartbroken over him. I gave him my whole heart and he goes and shatters it to pieces.
by hopeless roman3ic April 12, 2019
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when you love someone. when they love you too. or you thought they did at least. they said they would never leave you and that they loved you. you never trusted people easily because of your past but you put your heart in their hands and asked them to be careful with it and they said they would but they crushed it. when your heart breaks, you feel this stabbing pain and you feel sick like you can’t eat and you don’t understand anything and you don’t know what you did wrong and all you want is them but they don’t want you anymore and you can’t eat and you feel sick and you can’t stop crying or even worse, you go numb. your mind shuts down, all your feelings fade away. you’re at a loss of emotions. you gave them your everything and all they gave you was pain. you trusted them. they promised they would never leave, but they did. they left. and they’re gone now. and there’s nothing you can do about it because no matter how hard you try to fix things it never seems to be enough cause some way or another you end up messing something up, and even if you know it wasn’t your fault you can’t blame them because you love them so much so you take the blame yourself and they blame you too. you always had a feeling deep down this would happen but you always pushed it away because you thought they would never do that to you. i guess we know who won the “i love you more” game.
Heartbroken means the above definition.

*you and your crush are playing truth or dare*
Them: Truth or dare?
u: Truth
T: Who do u like?
u: i’m not saying
T: Cmon i’m not gonna tell anyone, and i’ll tell you after

u: Promise you’ll say after?
T: yeah sure. who is it? Please?!
u: You.

T: I like You too.

*you start talking everyday and you fall in love with them and they fall in love with you*
T: Why are you being so dry
u: Sorry i’m just not in the best mood right now

T: Why?

u: I don’t know why.

T: How do you not know why you’re in a bad mood? That makes no sense.

u: I’m sorry.

T: Whatever. You’re always in a bad mood. I cant do this anymore.

u: Do what? What do you mean?
T: This! I cant do this. You’re so frustrating. I’ve tried my best. It’s up to you now.

u: Please don’t do this. I’m sorry i won’t get sad anymore i’m sorry please don’t leave me.

T: Stop it. I don’t want your apologies. Just leave.

u: Im sorry.

Them: Whatever. If you won’t leave, i will.

u: I love you though

T: I don’t love you. I never did. You’re worthless.

u: Im sorry

T: Just stop. I don’t want your meaningless apologies. I don’t want you. I wasted 9 months of my life on you, and i don’t wanna waste a second more. I’m leaving.
( a note, you don’t need him or her. you don’t need them. trust me, i know from experience what heartbreak is like, and you WILL be okay. I cant say how or when, but you’re going to be okay❤️) i love you
by anonymouioiuois March 31, 2019
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Girlfriend breaks up with u day before birthday and then on your birthday gets with another guy
i am heartbroken from so much thoughts
by supreme@530 September 24, 2019
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Heartbroken means when your so deeply in love with someone but they leave you for someone else or they break your heart.
guy#1:" you sure hes ready to move on to someone else?"
guy#2:"i dont know man i think hes still heartbroken after Isabella."
by H E A R T B R O K E N October 3, 2018
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