Another name for the drink Gin and Ginger Ale. Gin because of "Ginny Weasley" the character form Harry Potter and Ginger Ale because she has ginger hair.
"What you having"
"I'll have a Ginny Weasley please"
"Whats that?"
"A gin and ginger ale"
by AWJordan December 27, 2013
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The Ginny Horn is another term for the Italian Horn. A Ginny is an insult towards Italians, but Italians may feel free to say it to one another. The Ginny Horn is the Italian amulet for good luck to protect oneself from the African Eland's evil-eye. The shape of the Ginny Horn represents the twisted horn of the animal.
Girl #1: "I love your necklace! What is it?"

Girl #2: "It's a Ginny Horn. It's been passed down my family for generations."
by BeatrixKiddo04 February 9, 2012
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patrusion of the inner vigina lip.

when the inner vigina labias stick out beyound the vigina itself.
by the ginny horn April 30, 2009
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These are the 2 best names in the world! they are cooler than any other name in the world! that includes u!! its means they are HOT!!!, KOOL!, and are fun to be with even if jono doesnt think so!! PPL WIF THESE NAMES ARE THE BEST THINGS SINCE LUCKY STARS =)
check out those dimes their names must be ginny and katie!

jono:man did u hear about those awesome chicks on friday night?
callan: nah man i didnt, wat were their names and what did they do?
Jono: ginny and katie of course! and man they rocked my world!!!
by Ginny the dime macca December 1, 2004
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A character in the Harry Potter series, and member of the Weasley family. Has been accused of the following: being excessively promiscuous; being "like the mean girls in high school"; manipulating boys to snag Harry Potter; having no personality; being loyal to Voldemort; deliberately putting lives at risk by writing in Tom Riddle's diary; trying to outshine Hermione Granger; being a "pity-friend" to Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom; being inconsistently written; being a Mary Sue; behaving like a fangirl, and effectively date-raping Harry Potter by dosing him with Amortentia.

...Is 15 years old in current canon, and owns a fluffy pink Pygmy Puff named Arnold.
Ginny Weasley is like that girl in high school who had sex with my boyfriend and then kicked me in the crotch.
by Girl Least Likely To December 5, 2006
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