a school that i go to, at which i hold no positive or negative school spirit, but would like to point out that though the "typical" prep goes to our school, we also have a wide range of types of people.
p.s. to those girls who posted, learn how to spell, you're just embarassing us "hottataysss"...jesus..
me: uhh what the hell is lacoste? oh well, i'll just put on my pants from target...
by prepfag January 18, 2005
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hottataysss that kno whats hott and wats not...thats why they shun foxcroft. U KNOOOO!! they are some of the hottest guys ever shags, polos what more could a girl ask for?? they're also smart and rich...most def positives.georgetown prep is a school for straight up SEXXXAYS!!!
i agree with b_rizzle
JARED FUCKIN KOCHESKI!!! and frankie!!! :-D :-D :-D..so many other guys too
by Fuck ya'll December 24, 2004
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These kids carry a bottle of beer and a gun wherever they go, just in case. Enjoy shooting kids both younger and older than them, cause their faculty won't care. I'm not making fun of them, I'm scared silly of them.
I was in tears when I saw some Georgetown Prep kid shoot my 7-year old brother.
by Ozone August 13, 2004
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Georgetown Prep is when you "prep" a shy, socially awkward Freshman girl from another high school by giving her grain alcohol and downers so you & your punk-ass little rich cock-nozzle buddies can gang-rape her in a side room at your pal's house while his parents are away, and then you can laugh about it later but then deny it ever happened when you are nominated for the supreme court, you Rapey, perjuring, entitled, drunken scum-bag Hack.
Brett: Hey, that girl is cute and shy, let's Georgetown Prep her tonight then later deny we pulled a train on her while she was passed out!
Mark: Great idea!
by Colonel Nizzle September 28, 2018
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The biggest all-boys private high school in the DC area to which you have to go if you cannot get into St. Albans.
St. Albans, Georgetown Prep, and Landon boys have one thing in common: they all applied to St. Albans.
by escdrake August 18, 2016
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hotttest guys in the world, they are SOOOOOO fine. they are all so smart, rich, and fuckin hott. what else could you ask for
uhhh.. jared koscheski
by b rizzle December 20, 2004
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Where people who take their lives way too seriously go. And where people go when they cannot get into the Ivies (excluding Cornell) or Notre Dame.
Connor: I didn't get into Notre Dame, Dartmouth or Duke. I guess I have to go to Georgetown University. But I'm gonna pretend to everyone that it was my first choice.

Mike: I'm sorry dude, that really sucks...
by waddddddddddup June 4, 2010
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