
A word, commonly used to describe a male who's levels of bitchassness are astronomical. Fuckboys have a way of fucking things up for the worse. They have an inability to get their shit done and when given a responsibility they pussy out and usually leave it for someone else to take care of. Cockblocking is one of their favorite past times as is creeping which are probably the only two things that are actually good at.

The term is mostly used by other males and females that know their shit while criticizing said fuckboys.

The term may NOT be used by other fuckboys calling out other fuckboys.
Girl: "You see, Adam and Jay are both fuckboys, but Jay is much more of a fuckboy than Adam. Adam may be a creeper but he can actually get his shit done. Jay doesn't know what the fuck he's doing therefore making him more of a fuckboy."
by maggiethemae July 4, 2011
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The fuckiest of the fucks, a "fuckboy" is the lowest possible form of the vile, degenerate waste pouring from the proverbial asshole of society. Calling some a fuckboy is the verbal equivalent of the orally penetrating their mother, their dog, and their girlfriend in the span of approximately 3.94 seconds, and is only to be used on people who make pre-school slurs like "fucker" and "cunt" look like tokens of sainthood.
JARRET: Hey, fuckboy!

COP: What did you just call me?

by Natedawg Pedanski February 18, 2014
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The term "fuckboy" is to be reserved only for the worst mankind has to offer. You can typically spot a fuckboy trying to rape an unconscious girl at a party, attempting to pick up underage girls at the mall, or at your local vape shop. Typical qualities of a fuckboy include but are not limited to- a tiny penis, shitty tattoos, and a wardrobe consisting of the following brands- sperrys, vineyard vines, obey, diamond supply co., or supreme . A complete yeast infection of a human being.
"Did you see that fuckboy drive his Hummer in front of those girls while blaring his shitty soundcloud mixtape?"
by mrmandalay January 3, 2017
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A Fuckboy talks to you for the first time and he is really nice then he will wheel you for a while then when you agreed to date him he will like you for the first couple days then he will get bored of you and cheat on you and be a complete asshole to you and then when he makes you sad he will find a way to make you stay with him and when you do stay with him he will do it again and again and they find someone better than you and realize that they are done wasting your time and dump you and go to the other girl and you have your heartbroken and when the other girl decides that she doesn't want to deal with his shit anymore he realizes that he should go back to you and you get your heartbroken again because you fall for his shit once again
by Insaneheartbrokengirl January 19, 2016
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A person of the male gender who basically lives to fuck. A fuckboy will fuck you and then never talk to you again, other than maybe to screw for a 2nd time.

Frequently used:
; )
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Hey babe

Adds "420 it's lit asf nigga" in his instagram bio even though he's never seen weed in his entire life.

All in all, a sad fucker who's soul purpose in life is to fuck and make other's miserable.
Person 1: Did you hear about Seth and Hannah?
Person 2: Yeah, he's a total fuckboy.
by hellafucked November 22, 2016
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A boy who will tell you your beautiful and pretend to be "not like other guys and probably give a whole speech about it" pretends to be nice and funny but when he gets what he wants he will disappear from your life and when you reach out to him he'll make sure he makes you feel worthless and like he never wanted you.
He's a fuckboy don't talk to him
by Jarden July 29, 2016
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A weak ass dude that doesn't treat any women with respect and is looking only to get his dick wet but strings her along with empty promises. you see how terribly Jarred treats his girl?...what a fuckboy!
by OliveBeer23 May 31, 2016
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