an adorable nickname for someone you care about that you can say has the connotation of being something hard to crack but when you do it is tender and sweet
Guy 1: dude I think Jordyn is an egg

Guy 2: I know she's so cold to everyone but she's so kind and sweet to her friends
by quirkykimchi December 22, 2019
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A food product which has been summoned out of an anus of an animal who’s ancestors are the prehistoric beast that have been obliterated by a space condensed solid
by Sealami November 18, 2021
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Informal} Someone who is always angry or snappy, grumpy, more on the negative side.
<P1>Don't be such an egg, my friend.
<Egg> Oh just shut up, why can't you act in your normal ways?!
<P1> Ah, the good times...
by ThenewURL April 16, 2016
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A derogatory comment towards someone to cause offence, usually when they perform a stupid or bad act. (Either in hindsight or present)
Jeff: I just bought a BMW!
Bill: You egg! You should have bought a cheaper car!
by Greenlewiegee May 12, 2013
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A kind of person who does not reciprocate in a relationship. A person who expects care from his/her partner but does not provide care in return. Someone who hurts his/her partner knowingly.
I always talk to him when he is stressed out for his deadlines, but he just disappears whenever I need him.

He is such an egg!
by Serius March 11, 2013
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by bruh2bruh3 March 3, 2020
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1. an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane
an infertile egg, typically of the domestic hen, used for food.
by OhSoVery September 27, 2018
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