The belief that a heavenly being will interfere in human situations so bad that nothing but an act of God could change the outcome for the better.
Now, the Browns winning the SuperBowl - that would take some <i>serious</i> divine intervention.
by LittleNuccio July 6, 2005
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God's purpose of rewarding or punishing people for their deeds.
Are you expecting a divine visit? Work, you slug!
by eyjentjim February 28, 2017
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A Roblox SCPF for toxic Class-D rioters to find friends. These Class-D would tell you they aren't toxic while also telling you they'd fucked your mom and how they did it. Generally viewed as a friendly and helpful foundation. Some view it as corrupt, but nobody has proof for these allegations.
Divine's SCPF is so corrupt! I'm gonna go get Class-E'd just to show them!
by twentiesr June 13, 2020
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A beautiful lady, usually dark in complexion, loves making friends and meeting new people and loves twins.
She is caring but don't step on her toes or she'ld hate you forever , loves God and loves singing, loves instruments, guitar or keyboard would do.
She's neither an introvert nor an extrovert, she chooses what she wants to be at anytime at all.
Get yourself a Divine Favour and never let her go
by That lovely human May 22, 2019
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An ass so big that Moses himself, could not even part those cheaks
Channele had such a divine ass it is a wonder how she is able to walk.
by Chris.F April 2, 2007
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The epitome of forfeiture.

These people are completely void of any common sense and contradict each others ideas/actions on a daily basis despite having "Divine" in their name. Some of these people have been abused mentally or physically and need to vent their frustration on others with extreme tunnel vision or by being severely biased.
Legaloss from Divine Forces had some Corruption members wrongfully banned on RSC because of his sexual frustration issues. Hopefully, Darkmafia can use his manpowers and please him.
by Chuck Hog February 7, 2007
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1.Someone of compleat gayness, who likes to go on vent and teamspeak kariokes. They may also be a petaphile, and like to rape little children over the internet.
2.The god of sex. Divine Scoob is also commonly used to refer to an amazing porn star, or someone who is extreamly good at; sex, in bed, has a large penis, ect...
1.Hey you hear that old man got arrested for being a devine scoob, what a fag! No wonder he tryed to rape me.
2.I wish they tought us how to be a Divine Scoob in sex eduation. My girfriend would love it!
by 90zap09 March 10, 2009
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