Where a Mexican (such as urself) has a tendency to hop borders.
by ash’s knife January 13, 2023
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A socio-mental illness that manifests as "politcal swinging" from the Left to the Right, or vice versa. Usually caused by a lack of confidence in a politcal leader.
So-CalledLiberal: "Fuck! Obama's policies were nothing what I imagined!"

Rush Limbaugh: "Careful, Democrat. You're experiencing Bipolitical Disorder. Take a week off.
by BeerChuggin'German February 24, 2010
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Eating disorder which involves purging during or after a meal for the sole purpose to eat more. Note: There is no body dysmorphia associated with this disorder.
Paul was just going nuts on the burger buffet, spewed chunks in the corner and went back for round three; I think he might have Sheraton's Disorder.
by spewing_guts May 5, 2016
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The sudden state of acting out in a peculiar and/or violent way towards a loved one or spouse out of fear of rejection, seperation, or lonliness.
She was just fine, but when her boyfriend came around she started being overprotective and moody. I think she has Lovepolar Disorder.
by Endy-Boo July 4, 2011
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An anarchic hardcore punk band. Lyrics inspired by the jaded feeling of life and Christianity.
I recommend the album "From Bliss to Devastation" by Vision of Disorder
by larstait October 13, 2003
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Any of various disorders, as anorexia or bulima, characterized by severe disturbances in eating habits.
Because Jackie has an eating disorder she looks like one of those starving children as seen on CBN.
by Anonymous July 19, 2003
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Aftehnsmuchen is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have eaten rotten cat brain cells.
Will was sent to psychotherapy after being diagnosed with Aftehnsmuchen's Disorder.
by tgayg February 26, 2019
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