Musical term for incredibly fast or heavy shit.
The drummer of Ed Gein is disgusting for singing while playing that shit.
by JayR June 21, 2004
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Someone wrote "feminist: a support group for women who weigh over 200 pounds. 'That fat girl should go to a feminist meeting.'" That's disgusting.
by AfricanVioletCreature July 27, 2019
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A word used to describe an object that disgusts most other people, e.g. the definitions most users make up on urban dictionary. Seriously, kids go to this website and do think most of it is disgusting, too.
by TheExtremeNoob September 18, 2018
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That’s almost as disgusting as ally
by Sped2021 March 28, 2018
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Disguster - one that disgusts others. commonly used by people that are drunk.
Chris , you are such a disguster.
by dotforaneye May 14, 2010
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man titties

"the disgusting-ness of dip does not even compare"

"ewh, have you seeen mikel berger"

"mikel berger is a sex god...NOTTTT"

by shacalala July 29, 2008
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you have the capacity not to be disgusting and are socially aware but you decide to be crass anyway.
Gosh she was disgustable at the christmas party, I always thought she was such a lady.
by Sazzy J January 20, 2014
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