A person who is a total asshole everyday
Dude, David is such a dickwad!
by crabsncorn February 13, 2022
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You. You are a dickwad. Why are you on urbandictionary? Do something productive, like my mom.
by ClickedEnter January 11, 2022
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Someone that acts like a wad of dicks. A complete dick but surprisingly cute and sexy. Usually can be found hanging out at newspaper plants but never has time to date anyone, which is a dickwad move.
That ricky guy is a complete dickwad but damn he be lookin fiiiiiiiine.
by cheesewhizisgross July 3, 2015
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The explicit retort a Mormon uses when you make fun of their magic underwear; they're better known for borrowing pseudo-profanity from the 1950s and 1960s television language from the era. Utah introduced the term "Shut The Front Door" as they still have virgin ears as they not allowed to watch Full Metal Jacket as that's the movie that introduced double homicide laced insults spouted at rapid-fire barrage from R. Lee Emery.

I heard the barrage from Petty Officer Nasty as we called her Diesel-breath when she was not in ear shot. The LDS blogger making fun of my most personal project saw his wife getting the receiving end of a misfired f-bomb. TVTropes notes that profanity to LDS is Gosh Darn Dang It To Heck aka Tastes like Diabetes. An LDS if seen The Cabbie Homicide paired with the Morbid Angel midi would have instant nightmare fuel between the two.
The LDS Blogger engaging in a LiveJournal style gang up.

The others were taking turns as they saw the double homicide retorts.
Then the magic underwear joke appears where implies he has a skidmark after cutting a greasy fart.
"How about we NOT refer to someone's beliefs in such a degrading way, it's called being civilized not act like total a total dickwad. I had enough of this as I am locking the comments as this is as much fun as watching the Disney Channel musical with my fingernails getting pulled out."

The Cabbie Homicide author was trying to keep a straight face because he got a Jello Eating Bunny using real profanity at him. He jokes on Google+ "that's on par with the verbal sparring match with Pug as he retorted with 'Eat my pussy asswipe' as Dagstine on a facebook chat said, "I can't believe you just pointed out how could he be a devote Latter Day Saint and a donut-puncher." He laughed even harder, "I should had pointed out The Book of Mormon was King James Bible fanfiction that was pseudohistory about Ancient North America when the truth that shows Kennewick Man."
by illinoishorrorman January 19, 2018
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