the ending product of when a person takes a cheese grader to the tip of a penis and scrapes bits of penis off.

A cheese graded dick....
the man was so disapointed with the performance of his penis that he -dick cheesed- him self.

(graded his dick)
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A 'code word' used in the place of 'handjob' so others don't know what one is talking about.

Someone would use this word to be sneaky aroimd others about what they're going to do or what they're going to receive.

The word is used in a sexual manner, but when used, others around won't understand what the true meaning is. People will often think of the true definition of the word, which throws them even further off of the subject. This means that the word can be used around pretty much anyone, without giving away the true subject.
Male 1: "Yeah, she was able to give me some dick cheese in the backseat of my car last night."
Male 2: "Dude, that's awesome!"

- - - - - - - - - -

Female: "Want some dick cheese tonight?"
Male: "Definitely."
by GalaxyKitten November 7, 2018
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what happens when you make your boyfriend nut and he doesn’t clean it up
yeah, he wanted me to clean up his dick cheese & i said maybe later 😎
by pink bag November 26, 2019
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Old, sticky semen. Used as a way to make your friends laugh whenever you call them it.
by Friend Machine Broke November 16, 2017
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Jello like build up found in urinal pipes that smells horrendous. May also take the form of slime and cottage cheese. Caused by thick yellow piss due to lack of hydration.
I'm not gonna drink any water so i can dick cheese up my urinal pipes!
by Mr. Dick Cheese July 5, 2009
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When you get sweaty and the sweat dries around your dick.
After running I had a good case of the dick cheese!
by dsac 101 August 31, 2010
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