Drunk person of the group who calls everyone a cunt.
by OneNutMIA January 10, 2014
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A man-child whose sexual appetite borders on the absurd. A social anomaly, The Dave is a bundle of energy and inappropriateness that may never be understood. He is the guy in the club that is turned around in the corner tucking its' boner against his stomach to hide his excitement. If you press up against him in a social situation, you run the risk of getting tastefully "felt up". It is something you look at in awe and disgust at the same time, like a charismatic dictator, only with a booger in his stubble. Once you meet "The Dave" your life will change.
Last night, Martin was totally channeling "The Dave", he got 3 numbers, 2 sloppy make-outs, 6 hard-ons, and bargained the pizza guy down to $2!
by sweetdaddy May 8, 2009
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Dave is the type of guy that’s chill. It could also be short for David. He gets all the girls but everyone thinks he’s sometimes gay.
Sam: is Dave gay?

Kat: idk
by Angelicqueen March 25, 2019
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A Quakertown term for Marijuana (Quakertown Brown), Made popular by the crew F.O.D
Pot, Ganja, Maryjane, DAVE

by Quakertown Kid December 29, 2007
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a) A fantastic TV channel in the UK that shows lots of Top Gear and Ray Mears stuff
b) The name you use when you can't think of a person's name
a) Oh, is Top Gear on Dave again?!
b) A - What was the name of that person we saw in the street?
B - I dunno! Dave?!
by Eggy9000 January 8, 2008
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Dave is an almighty being

You do as Dave asks

You listen to the speaking of Dave

You worship the Dave

Dave is god
Matt: oh cool dog
Emily: yeah his name is Dave

Matt: *literally worships the dog
by lil Baconnaise March 3, 2019
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The coolest sweetest most intelligent and honest guy youll ever meet. knows about everything. will do anything for you. never hates or holds grudges. A guy who wants nothing more than to be happy by making those around him happy. One hell of a cook. The perfect guy, everything every woman says she wants in a man. But you will never date him, you always will find some reason or excuse why you can't, and never tell him the truth about why. No woman is allowed to be with or tell him why she can't be with him. The guy who has always been there for you when you needed him, who continually loves you and would do anything for you despite being used and abused time and again. The guy you want but whenever you let it show you have to pretend it didnt happen and accuse him of being crazy or not knowing what was going on when you asked him to sleep with you or told him how much you loved him and you were meant to be with him. He's always depressed and busy as hell, but when you need something hes there like state farm.
Dude this organic chemistry makes no sense to me, I need help, and I want to know how to cook this lamb and figure out what this cool unidentified tune is on the radio.

Just ask Dave.

Isnt he busy?

Yeah but he'll drop it to help out.

Is he still in love with that Heather?

Yeah, she totally is using him.

Yeah but he really loves her.
by vinny's June 22, 2011
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