"hey you know that dick ass loser named darian?"

"yeah he's a pedo"
by ihaveacock May 12, 2022
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Darian is the type of person who gets what he wants, he is smart, kind, genuine and the biggest fatty alive. He makes every moment a special moment. Now I know a lot of you have a "Darian in your life" but the Samsam I know can never be replaced, cringy asf but he's the best friend anyone can have. He has your back when you need it and he knows exactly what to say and when to say it. He might forget your birthday or what you said two seconds ago, but nonetheless he makes up for it somehow. He doesn't like pineapple on pizza, which I don't understand, he loves his sister( even has a special handshake just them two), his birthday is in march, A+ for me for remembering, his favourite colour is orange, he has a weird obsession for fairy bread Idk why and I honestly don't know where hell is without me haha.
by Suicidal Llama Mama September 19, 2020
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A super hot mountain biker with a big … personality;) . He gives the best hugs and kisses. Anyone who is lucky enough to date darian is the most lucky person ever never let go of him and show him all your love. You will know he’s coming because he dives a 4Runner.
Darian just did a backflip into the Valhalla drop.
by Samtacular March 4, 2022
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a heartless fuck who has nothing better to do then run his mouth to people that he not only loves but knows are better than him in every way. he has short blonde hair with an oddly small penis and lack of facial hair leaving him stuck as a pre-pubescent child throughout his late teens. he is also a light weight who can pull bitches but cant keep them for shit and has a quirky lisp and he's 5'7 on a good day.
"hey who was that annoying ass cunt at the party?'
"oh that lil fella think his name was Darian smh"
by dontbedissinmyniggasdog March 22, 2023
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Darian is a small Boy From Iran with black hair.
He is always the youngest in his class and not Good at all. He is very cracked in fortnite and valo. He hasnt got the best style, but everyone loves him and his flaws and sins.
Dan: Who is this small boy?
Johnny: Oh, this is Darian.
by @primeramspopo_memes October 10, 2022
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Darian is the kind of girl you never want to meet. She is fake and will stab you in the back for nothing. She talks shit about everyone, even her closest friends. She's a user. Most of her friends are only kept around because of what they can do for her, what they can give, or for having something she wants. She's notoriously lazy. She's an awful person who would demand the shirt off your back and get angry and blow up on you if you have the audacity to say no. No is not a word she is accustomed to hearing. Darian is also poor, but likes to live a bougie lifestyle. If you have money, she will find a way to get you to pay for everything. Sometimes she will actually promise to pay you back. She never actually will though, and always conveniently remembers only owing 1/5 of what she owes. She's the daughter of a stripper, and it shows. She comes from a family of white trash hick addicts. It also shows. She's manipulative as hell and a pathological liar. She cheats on her boyfriends. She's a horrible friend. Don't let her get her claws into you or you'll never break free, at least not without some serious damage and heavy scars.
Darian (f)

Shit, Darian's calling. Wonder what she wants now. Hello? Darian, my grandma died yesterday. I can't drive you around and then do that huge thing for you that you will then take all the credit for. Wow Darian called me a bitch and hung up on me. Oh wow, now Darian is posting all over social media about how bad of a friend I am. And her fake friends and the guys that want to sleep with her are feeding into her bullshit. That's Darian, I guess. Happens all the time.
by January 1, 2022
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